UK man attacked wife with machete after allowing her to sleep with neighbour
Feb 27, 2018 7:18 AM

A teacher tried to murder his new wife with a machete after allowing her to have sex with another man then becoming jealous, a court heard yesterday…

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David Wing, 55, and his wife Yvonne, 45, had only been married for a year when she began the sex sessions with their landlady’s son.
The court heard the relationship with her lover, a man called Don who was also married, was at first permitted by Wing.
But he was enraged when he logged in to his wife’s Facebook account and read messages between the lovers discussing plans to run away together.
Prosecutor James Wilson told the court Wing bludgeoned his wife around the head with the 27in machete after covering her in white paint, leaving her with a gashed forehead and fractured skull.
Mr Wilson said the couple had moved from London to Porth, South Wales, to work in a school for children with autism.

“Unusual” relationship

‘There was a slightly unusual aspect to their relationship, in that three to four weeks after moving to Porth she had sex with a local man called Don,’ he told Cardiff Crown Court.
‘Her husband had no problem with her having sex with this man, but after time she became emotionally involved with Don.
‘He had a problem with this and began checking her Facebook and realised a relationship was beginning between them.
‘He couldn’t accept this and the matter came to a head with him attacking her with a machete. When he swung the machete at her head he intended to kill her.’
‘Her husband had no problem with her having sex with this man, but after time she became emotionally involved with Don.’
Mrs Wing, who survived the attack, told the court her husband’s ‘vibe changed’ when Don – who socialised with the couple and was a regular visitor to their home – left their property on September 10 last year. She told the court: ‘He said not to take him for a fool and that he didn’t want to be f***** over. I figured he was in a bit of a p***** off vibe about Don and that he had seen our messages on Facebook.’
Mrs Wing went to bed alone and the next morning found her husband drinking brandy in their living room. She said: ‘David said he didn’t want to talk about how Don reignited my life or anything like that. He threw his glass across the room and it smashed.’

Messages circulated

Mrs Wing started receiving texts from family members, friends, and even her lover’s wife after her husband began circulating messages between her and Don, leading to the couple rowing and Mrs Wing calling her husband ‘impotent’.
Wing began slashing at the couple’s wedding photos with a carving knife before using a roller brush to slap paint on his wife’s face after covering their walls and furniture. Mrs Wing said she followed her husband up the stairs only to be confronted by him standing at the top while brandishing a machete. She said: ‘I said, ‘‘are you trying to kill me?’’ He replied, ‘‘is this what you wanted? If I can’t have you then no one else is having you’’.
‘When he hit me the first time it slightly stunned me. Then I saw him raise his right hand again.’

Mrs Wing said she blacked out before waking up covered in blood

She said she pretended to be dead while her husband called 999, and heard him saying: ‘I think I’ve killed my wife.’ He performed chest compressions on her before she was taken to hospital.
Wing, from Porth, has admitted one count of inflicting GBH but denies attempted murder. The trial continues.


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